Regular Meeting of Council

8550 Young Road
Chilliwack, BC V2P 8A4

8550 Young Road, 
Chilliwack, BC  V2P 8A4

The City of Chilliwack acknowledges that we are honoured to live, work and play on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the Stó:lō Coast Salish peoples.

  • Recommendation

    That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held July 16, 2024, be adopted as circulated.

  • Recommendation

    That the following bylaws be adopted:

    “Zoning Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2024, No. 5399”;
    “Zoning Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2024, No. 5411”;
    “Zoning Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2024, No. 5413”;
    “Single-Use Item Reduction Bylaw Repeal Bylaw 2024, No. 5418”;
    “Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2024, No. 5419”; and,
    “Municipal Ticket Information Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2024, No. 5420”;

    and further, that the Minutes of the following Committee meetings be received for information:

    Transportation Advisory Committee, held June 20, 2024; and,
    Affordable Housing and Development Advisory Committee, held June 26, 2024.

  • Recommendation

    That the Second Quarter Reports for City departments for the period of April to June 2024, be received for information.

  • Recommendation

    That Council award the tender for the "Prest Road Box Culvert Project" to Accura Grade Inc., in the amount of $265,239.84; and further, that the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to sign any necessary documentation.

  • Recommendation

    That Council authorize staff to forward Tender documents to the following selected proponents to provide construction services for the "City Hall Parking Lot Expansion Project":

    1. B.A. Blacktop Infrastructure Ltd.;
    2. B&B Heavy Civil Construction Ltd.; and,
    3. Strohmaier Excavating (2019) Ltd.
  • Recommendation

    That Council direct staff to proceed with the proposal to convert Princess Avenue from two-way traffic to one-way traffic eastbound, to create a multi-use pathway connecting our Cycle Vision Network into the downtown core.

  • Recommendation

    That Council approve the replacement of the synthetic turf surface at the Exhibition Field, located at 45323 Hodgins Avenue; part removal and replacement in 2024, to allow for needed space to construct the new Pickleball facility; and, full turf replacement in Spring of 2025.

  • Recommendation

    That Council approve the procurement group, Canoe, and the preferred company, Astro Turf (Contract: 031022-AST), for an estimate of $1.05 million for the years 2024 and 2025, for both phases of the synthetic turf replacement for property located at 45323 Hodgins Avenue; and further, that the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to sign any necessary documentation.

  • Recommendation

    That Council approve the placement of the murals for the "2024 Chilliwack Mural Festival", as contained within the staff report dated July 30, 2024.

  • Recommendation

    That "Development Cost Charge Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2024, No. 5421" be given first and second reading.

  • Recommendation

    That "Development Cost Charge Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2024, No. 5421" be given third reading.

  • Recommendation

    That "Zoning Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2024, No. 5412", which proposes to rezone property located at 46105 Lewis Avenue from an R1-A (Urban Residential) Zone to an R1-C (Urban Infill) Zone, be given first and second reading.

  • Recommendation

    That "Zoning Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2024, No. 5412", which proposes to rezone property located at 46105 Lewis Avenue from an R1-A (Urban Residential) Zone to an R1-C (Urban Infill) Zone, be given third reading.

  • Recommendation

    That Council deny the issuance of Development Permit DP001729 with respect to property located at 10164 Williams Road. (Presentation)

  • Recommendation

    That Council direct staff to not pre-consult with outside agencies with respect to the subject application which proposes to amend the 2040 Official Community Plan designation for 5471 Viola Street, 45651 Alma Avenue and portions of 5446 and 5456 Vedder Road from "South Vedder Commercial Core" to "Apartment Residential" as per the South Vedder Neighbourhood Plan.

  • Recommendation

    That Council direct staff to not pre-consult with outside agencies with respect to the subject application which proposes to amend the 2040 Official Community Plan designation for portions of 8614 Nixon Road from "Rural Hillside" and "Environmental Conservation" to "Residential - Low-Density", as per the Eastern Hillsides Comprehensive Area Plan.

  • Recommendation

    That Council direct staff not to pre-consult with outside agencies with respect to the subject application which proposes to amend the 2040 Official Community Plan designation for property located at 7949 Venture Place from "General Industrial" to "Mixed Commercial and Industrial".

The City of Chilliwack acknowledges that we are honoured to live, work and play on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the Stó:lō Coast Salish peoples.

(46068 and 46074 Fourth Avenue and 9011 and 9023 Nowell Street)

  • Recommendation

    That the representations with respect to “Official Community Plan Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2024, No. 5396” and "Zoning Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2024, No. 5397" be received for information; and further, that “Official Community Plan Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2024, No. 5396” and "Zoning Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2024, No. 5397" be referred for Council's further consideration following the close of the Public Hearing.

(46039 Southlands Drive)

  • Recommendation

    That the representations with respect to “Official Community Plan Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2024, No. 5409” and "Zoning Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2024, No. 5410" be received for information; and further, that “Official Community Plan Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2024, No. 5409” and "Zoning Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2024, No. 5410" be referred for Council's further consideration following the close of the Public Hearing.

(46212 Maple Avenue)

  • Recommendation

    That the representations with respect to Temporary Use Permit TUP00229 be received for information; and further, that Temporary Use Permit TUP00229 be referred for Council's further consideration following the close of the Public Hearing.

(2-7870 Enterprise Drive)

  • Recommendation

    That the representations with respect to Temporary Use Permit TUP00232 be received for information; and further, that Temporary Use Permit TUP00232 be referred for Council's further consideration following the close of the Public Hearing.

(9522 Hazel Street)

  • Recommendation

    That the representations with respect to Development Variance Permit DVP01379 be received for information; and further, that Development Variance Permit DVP01379 be referred for Council's further consideration following the close of the Public Information Meeting.

(46719 and 46721 Yale Road)

  • Recommendation

    That the representations with respect to Development Variance Permit DVP01420 be received for information; and further, that Development Variance Permit DVP01420 be referred for Council's further consideration following the close of the Public Information Meeting.

  • Recommendation

    That “Official Community Plan Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2024, No. 5396” with respect to properties located at 46068 and 46074 Fourth Avenue and 9011 and 9023 Nowell Street, be given third reading.

  • Recommendation

    That “Zoning Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2024, No. 5397” with respect to properties located at 46074 and 46068 Fourth Avenue and 9011 and 9023 Nowell Street, be given third reading.

  • Recommendation

    That “Official Community Plan Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2024, No. 5409” with respect to property located at 46039 Southlands Drive, be given third reading.

  • Recommendation

    That “Official Community Plan Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2024, No. 5409” with respect to property located at 46039 Southlands Drive, be adopted.

  • Recommendation

    That “Zoning Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2024, No. 5410with respect to property located at 46039 Southlands Drive, be given third reading.

  • Recommendation

    That “Zoning Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2024, No. 5410with respect to property located at 46039 Southlands Drive, be adopted.

  • Recommendation

    That Council approve the issuance of Temporary Use Permit TUP00227 with respect to property located at 6045 Miller Drive, subject to the recommendations as stipulated within the draft Temporary Use Permit.

  • Recommendation

    That Council approve the issuance of Temporary Use Permit TUP00229 with respect to property located at 46212 Maple Avenue, subject to the recommendations as stipulated within the draft Temporary Use Permit.

  • Recommendation

    That Council approve the issuance of Temporary Use Permit TUP00232 with respect to property located at 2-7870 Enterprise Drive, subject to the recommendations as stipulated within the draft Temporary Use Permit.

  • Recommendation

    That, subject to public representation, Council approve the issuance of Development Variance Permit DVP01035 with respect to property located at 50590 Yale Road, subject to the recommendations as stipulated within the draft Development Variance Permit.

  • Recommendation

    That, subject to public representation, Council approve the issuance of Development Variance Permit DVP01337 with respect to property located at 10650 Bustin Road, subject to the recommendations as stipulated within the draft Development Variance Permit.

  • Recommendation

    That, subject to public representation, Council approve the issuance of Development Variance Permit DVP01379 with respect to property located at 9522 Hazel Street, subject to the recommendations as stipulated within the draft Development Variance Permit.

  • Recommendation

    That, subject to public representation, Council approve the issuance of Development Variance Permit DVP01420 with respect to properties located at 46719 and 46721 Yale Road, subject to the recommendations as stipulated within the draft Development Variance Permit.

  • Recommendation

    That Council approve the issuance of Development Permit DP001790 with respect to properties located at 46719 and 46721 Yale Road, subject to the recommendations of the Design Review Advisory Committee and the conditions as stipulated within the draft Development Permit.

  • Recommendation

    That, subject to public representation, Council approve the issuance of Development Variance Permit DVP01421 with respect to property located at 9298 Broadway, subject to the recommendations as stipulated within the draft Development Variance Permit.

  • Recommendation

    That Council recommends approval of the Special Event Area Endorsement Application and the Lounge Area Endorsement Application from Whispering Horse Winery, to be located at 43721 Vedder Mountain Road.

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