Regular Meeting of Council

8550 Young Road
Chilliwack, BC V2P 8A4

8550 Young Road, 
Chilliwack, BC  V2P 8A4

The City of Chilliwack acknowledges that we are honoured to live, work and play on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the Stó:lō Coast Salish peoples.

  • Recommendation

    That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held February 25, 2025, be adopted as circulated.

  • Recommendation

    That the following bylaws be adopted:

    “Official Community Plan Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2024, No. 5425”;
    “Zoning Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2024, No. 5426”;
    “Zoning Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2024, No. 5427”;
    “Sale of Pepper Spray and Bear Spray Regulation Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2025, No. 5446”;
    “Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2025, No. 5447”;
    “Municipal Ticket Information Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2025, No. 5448”; and,
    “Firearms Regulation Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2025, No. 5458”;

    and further, that the Minutes of the Public Safety Advisory Committee meeting held
    January 15, 2025 be received for information.

  • Recommendation

    That Council approve the request from the Chilliwack Community Arts Council, for funding under the Community Development Initiatives Funding Policy, in the amount of $6,000.00 for the "Chilliwack Mural Festival"; and further, that the funding be provided after the submission of receipts and final report from the host organization.

  • Recommendation

    That Council approve the request from the Greendale Elementary School Society, for funding under the Community Development Initiatives Funding Policy, in the amount of $1,550.00 for the "2025 Greendale Community Party"; and further, that the funding be provided after the submission of receipts and a final report from the host organization.

  • Recommendation

    That Council approve Canoe Procurement Contract #052324, for the supply and purchase of weight room strength equipment and associated accessories from LIV unLtd., in the amount of $281,872.74; and further, that the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to sign any necessary documentation.

  • Recommendation

    That Council set the date and time for the "2025 Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel" as March 25, 2025 at 1:30 PM.

  • Recommendation

    That Council provide statutory consent to the Fraser Valley Regional District for the adoption of the "Fraser Valley Regional District Sub-Regional Transit Service Area Amendment Bylaw
    No. 1757, 2024”.

  • Recommendation

    That "Zoning Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2025, No. 5459", which proposes to rezone properties located at 46092 and 46106 Bonny Avenue from an R1-A (Urban Residential) Zone to an R3 (Small Lot Residential) Zone, be given first and second reading.

  • Recommendation

    That "Zoning Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2025, No. 5459, which proposes to rezone properties located at 46092 and 46106 Bonny Avenue from an R1-A (Urban Residential) Zone to an R3 (Small Lot Residential) Zone, be given third reading.

  • Recommendation

    That, subject to public representation, Council approve the issuance of Development Variance Permit DVP01483 with respect to property located at 45466 Yale Road, subject to the recommendations as stipulated within the draft Development Variance Permit.

  • Recommendation

    That Council approve the issuance of Development Permit DP001889 with respect to property located at 45466 Yale Road, subject to the recommendations of the Design Review Advisory Committee and the conditions as stipulated within the draft Development Permit.

  • Recommendation

    That Council approve the issuance of Development Permit DP001817 with respect to property located at 45226 Bernard Avenue, subject to the recommendations of the Design Review Advisory Committee and the conditions as stipulated within the draft Development Permit. (Presentation)

  • Recommendation

    That application ALR00427 for a 'Non-Adhering Residential Use' within the Agricultural Land Reserve, with respect to property located at 49821 Prairie Central Road, be forwarded to the Agricultural Land Commission "with support". (Presentation)

  • Recommendation

    That application ALR00429 for a ‘Non-Adhering Residential Use' within the Agricultural Land Reserve, with respect to property located at 42920 Yale Road, be forwarded to the Agricultural Land Commission "with support". (Presentation)

  • Recommendation

    That application ALR00432 for a 'Non-Farm Use' within the Agricultural Land Reserve, with respect to property located at 46372 Prairie Central Road, be forwarded to the Agricultural Land Commission "with support". (Presentation)

  • Recommendation

    That application ALR00436 for a 'Non-Farm Use' within the Agricultural Land Reserve, with respect to properties located at 4535 and 4540 Simmons Road, be forwarded to the Agricultural Land Commission "with support". (Presentation)

The City of Chilliwack acknowledges that we are honoured to live, work and play on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the Stó:lō Coast Salish peoples.

  • Recommendation

    That Council approve the issuance of Temporary Use Permit TUP00246 with respect to property located at 46340 Strathcona Road, subject to the recommendations as stipulated within the draft Temporary Use Permit.

  • Recommendation

    That Council approve the issuance of Temporary Use Permit TUP00247 with respect to property located at 6583 Dayton Drive, subject to the recommendations as stipulated within the draft Temporary Use Permit.

  • Recommendation

    That, subject to public representation, Council approve the issuance of Development Variance Permit DVP01455 with respect to properties located at 9547 and 9563 Woodbine Street, subject to the recommendations as stipulated within the draft Development Variance Permit.

  • Recommendation

    That Council approve the issuance of Development Permit DP001870 with respect to properties located at 9547 and 9563 Woodbine Street, subject to the recommendations of the Design Review Advisory Committee and the conditions as stipulated within the draft Development Permit.

  • Recommendation

    That, subject to public representation, Council approve the issuance of Development Variance Permit DVP01476 with respect to property located at 42505 Peters Road, subject to the recommendations as stipulated within the draft Development Variance Permit.

  • Recommendation

    That, subject to public representation, Council approve the issuance of Development Variance Permit DVP01478 with respect to property located at 42431 Highland Drive, subject to the recommendations as stipulated within the draft Development Variance Permit.

  • Recommendation

    That, subject to public representation, Council approve the issuance of Development Variance Permit DVP01479 with respect to property located at 44921 Commercial Court, subject to the recommendations as stipulated within the draft Development Variance Permit.

  • Recommendation

    That, subject to public representation, Council approve the issuance of Development Variance Permit DVP01481 with respect to property located at 9545 Carleton Street, subject to the recommendations as stipulated within the draft Development Variance Permit.

  • Recommendation

    That, subject to public representation, Council approve the issuance of Development Variance Permit DVP01482 with respect to property located at 10906 Kitchen Road, subject to the recommendations as stipulated within the draft Development Variance Permit.

  • Recommendation

    That, subject to public representation, Council approve the issuance of Development Variance Permit DVP01487 with respect to property located at 42522 Keith Wilson Road, subject to the recommendations as stipulated within the draft Development Variance Permit.

  • Recommendation

    That Council recommends approval of the application for a Liquor Primary Structural Change to Meadowlands Golf and Country Club, located at 47823 Yale Road.

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